Patient education

Understanding Teeth Hypersensitivity: Causes & Solutions

Upset millennial woman suffering from strong tooth pain

Teeth hypersensitivity is a common dental issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause discomfort and pain when eating, drinking, or even breathing cold air. It is vital to understand what causes teeth hypersensitivity and the possible solutions to alleviate the discomfort.

In this article, we will provide an overview of teeth hypersensitivity, including the causes, symptoms, and treatments. We will also explore ways to prevent teeth hypersensitivity and maintain good oral health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Teeth hypersensitivity can cause discomfort and pain while eating, drinking, or breathing cold air.
  • Understanding the underlying causes of teeth hypersensitivity is essential for finding effective solutions.
  • Treatment options for teeth hypersensitivity range from using desensitizing toothpaste to dental procedures like sealants and bonding.
  • Preventive measures, such as maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding acidic food and drinks, can help reduce the risk of teeth hypersensitivity.
  • Seeking professional dental care and exploring natural remedies are other ways to alleviate teeth hypersensitivity.

What is Teeth Hypersensitivity?

Teeth hypersensitivity, also known as sensitive teeth, is a common dental problem that affects many people. It occurs when the enamel that protects the teeth wears down or when the gums recede, exposing the underlying dentin, which contains tiny nerve endings. This can cause discomfort or pain when the teeth come in contact with hot or cold temperatures, sweet or acidic foods, or even cold air.

Symptoms of teeth hypersensitivity can include sharp, sudden pain or a dull, constant ache in the teeth. Eating or drinking hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages, breathing in cold air, and brushing or flossing the teeth can all trigger sensitivity.

Causes of Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth hypersensitivity can have various causes, including:

Enamel erosion Acidic foods, drinks, and medications can wear away the enamel, exposing the sensitive dentin underneath.
Gum recession As the gums recede, the sensitive parts of the teeth become exposed, leading to sensitivity.
Brushing too hard Aggressive brushing can wear down the tooth enamel and irritate the gums, leading to sensitivity.
Gingivitis or periodontitis These gum diseases can cause the gums to recede, exposing the sensitive dentin.
Cavities or tooth decay Dental caries can cause the tooth to become sensitive, especially if the decay reaches the nerve.

If you experience teeth hypersensitivity, it’s essential to identify the underlying cause to find an effective solution. In the next sections, we will discuss various treatment options for teeth hypersensitivity, as well as preventive measures to reduce the risk.

Causes of Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth hypersensitivity can arise from a variety of factors that affect the underlying structure of the teeth. Below are the common causes of teeth hypersensitivity:

Causes Impact on Teeth
Enamel Erosion Exposure of dentin layer, making teeth more sensitive.
Gum Recession Loss of gum tissue, exposing tooth roots and causing sensitivity.
Brushing Too Hard Damages enamel and gums, leading to sensitivity.
Gingivitis or Periodontitis Can cause gum recession, exposing sensitive areas of the teeth.
Cavities As decay worsens, teeth become more sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet foods.
Cracked Teeth Can cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

In addition to these causes, teeth hypersensitivity can also arise from lifestyle factors such as excessive teeth grinding, acidic food, and drink, as well as improper oral hygiene practices.

Understanding the underlying causes of teeth hypersensitivity is crucial in finding the right solutions to alleviate the discomfort. In the next section, we will discuss dental disorders that can exacerbate teeth hypersensitivity and their effects on oral health.

Dental Disorders & Teeth Hypersensitivity

Dental disorders can significantly contribute to teeth hypersensitivity. Here are some of the most common ones:

Dental Disorder How it contributes to teeth hypersensitivity
Untreated tooth decay The decay can expose the nerve endings in the teeth, leading to sensitivity
Cracked or chipped teeth These can cause the tooth’s protective layer to weaken, making the teeth more susceptible to sensitivity
Gum disease Receding gums can expose the tooth’s root, which is more sensitive than the enamel

It’s important to address any underlying dental conditions to reduce the risk of teeth hypersensitivity. Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene can help detect and prevent dental disorders.

“Untreated tooth decay can cause sensitivity, so it’s essential to address it promptly.”

Lifestyle Factors & Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth Hypersensitivity
Ginger dentist examining teeth of young patient

In addition to dental disorders, certain lifestyle factors can contribute to teeth hypersensitivity. Becoming aware of these habits can help individuals take steps to reduce the discomfort.

Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, can lead to enamel erosion, making teeth more susceptible to sensitivity. Consider wearing a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth and seek professional help to address any underlying stress or anxiety that may be causing the habit.

Acidic Food & Drinks

Foods and beverages with high acidity levels can wear down tooth enamel, increasing sensitivity. Limit intake of acidic foods like citrus fruits and vinegar-based dressings, and drink acidic drinks like soda and wine in moderation.

Improper Oral Hygiene

Not brushing and flossing properly can lead to gum disease, which can cause receding gums and expose the tooth roots, resulting in sensitivity. Be sure to brush twice a day and floss daily, using proper technique to maintain good oral hygiene.

Dietary Habits

The foods and drinks you consume can impact teeth health and sensitivity. Foods high in sugar and carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay, while a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus can help strengthen teeth and reduce sensitivity. Consider adding foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts to your diet.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking and using tobacco products can lead to gum disease and tooth decay, which can contribute to teeth hypersensitivity. Quitting smoking and avoiding tobacco can improve overall oral and general health.

Treating Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth Hypersensitivity
Sensitive Teeth. Young arab woman drinking water with ice and touching cheek

There are several treatment options available for teeth hypersensitivity, ranging from at-home remedies to professional dental procedures. Some of the most common treatments include:

  1. Using desensitizing toothpaste: Over-the-counter toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can help reduce discomfort. These toothpaste contain compounds that block sensations of pain.
  2. Applying fluoride: Fluoride treatments at the dentist’s office can help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity. Some dentists may also recommend prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste for at-home use.
  3. Using bonding agents: Bonding agents, such as resin, can be applied to exposed areas of the teeth to protect them from further damage and reduce sensitivity.
  4. Recommending a change in dental hygiene practices: Proper brushing and flossing techniques can help prevent further enamel erosion and reduce sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend changes to your routine to better protect your teeth.
  5. Sealing exposed roots: Root exposure is a common cause of sensitivity. A dental procedure called a root canal can be performed to seal the exposed roots and reduce sensitivity.
  6. Undergoing gum graft surgery: In cases where gum recession is the cause of sensitivity, gum graft surgery can be performed to cover the exposed roots and reduce discomfort.

It’s important to note that while some home remedies, such as oil pulling or using clove oil, may offer temporary relief, they are not backed by scientific evidence. It’s always best to consult with your dentist before trying any new treatments.

Preventing Teeth Hypersensitivity

Preventing teeth hypersensitivity is key to maintaining good oral health. By implementing a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can reduce the risk of sensitivity and protect your teeth from further damage. Here are some preventive measures to consider:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Hard-bristled toothbrushes can wear away enamel and expose dentin, leading to sensitivity. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently.
  • Be mindful of your diet: Acidic food and drinks can erode enamel, so limit your consumption of coffee, soda, citrus fruits, and other acidic foods. Instead, opt for water, milk, and non-acidic foods.
  • Practice proper oral hygiene: Brush twice a day, floss daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. This can help prevent gum recession and other dental issues that can contribute to sensitivity.
  • Wear a mouthguard: Teeth grinding and clenching can wear down enamel and cause sensitivity. If you grind your teeth at night, consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help catch problems early on and prevent them from getting worse. Your dentist may also recommend treatments like fluoride varnishes or dental bonding to strengthen your teeth and reduce sensitivity.

By following these tips and taking good care of your teeth, you can reduce the risk of teeth hypersensitivity and enjoy a healthy, pain-free smile.

Professional Dental Care for Teeth Hypersensitivity

If you are experiencing teeth hypersensitivity, it is crucial to seek professional dental care. A dentist can determine the underlying causes of your sensitivity and recommend appropriate treatment options. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can also help prevent further damage to your teeth.

During your dental visit, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

Treatment Description
Desensitizing agents A gel or varnish applied to the teeth to reduce sensitivity
Dental sealants A protective coating applied to the surface of the teeth to prevent sensitivity
Bonding A procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is applied to the teeth to protect exposed areas and reduce sensitivity
Gum graft A surgical procedure in which tissue from another part of the mouth is used to cover exposed tooth roots

In some cases, your dentist may need to perform a root canal if the sensitivity is caused by an infection or decay. It is important to follow your dentist’s instructions for at-home care and maintain good oral hygiene practices to prevent further sensitivity.

Remember, seeking professional dental care is essential in managing teeth hypersensitivity. Don’t wait until the sensitivity becomes unbearable. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today to start finding relief.

Natural Remedies for Teeth Hypersensitivity

Teeth Hypersensitivity
Women eat ice cream and have a toothache because cold.

While many cases of teeth hypersensitivity require professional dental care, natural remedies can also provide some relief. Here are some options to consider:

Herbal Mouth Rinse

Some herbs, like sage, chamomile, and peppermint, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can soothe irritated gums and reduce sensitivity. Steep the herbs in hot water, then strain and use as a mouth rinse after brushing.

Clove Oil

Clove oil contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic that can help numb pain associated with teeth hypersensitivity. Dilute a few drops of clove oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply to the affected area with a cotton swab.

Saltwater Rinse

Swishing with warm saltwater can help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse for 30 seconds, then spit out.

Vitamin D and Calcium

Both vitamin D and calcium are essential for strong, healthy teeth. Increasing your intake of these nutrients through diet or supplements can help strengthen teeth and reduce sensitivity. Good dietary sources of vitamin D and calcium include fatty fish, dairy products, and leafy greens like spinach.

It’s important to note that natural remedies may not provide complete relief from teeth hypersensitivity and should be used in conjunction with professional dental care. Consult with your dentist before trying any new treatments.


In conclusion, teeth hypersensitivity is a common and often uncomfortable dental issue that can be caused by various factors. By understanding the underlying causes of teeth hypersensitivity, patients can take steps to alleviate their discomfort and prevent further sensitivity.

Regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices, and a balanced diet are all key components in preventing and managing teeth hypersensitivity. Seeking professional dental care and exploring natural remedies can also be effective in managing sensitivity.

Remember to prioritize your oral health and address any signs of teeth hypersensitivity promptly. By taking a proactive approach to dental health, you can maintain healthy, comfortable teeth for years to come.


What is teeth hypersensitivity?

Teeth hypersensitivity, also known as tooth sensitivity, is a condition characterized by temporary discomfort or pain in the teeth in response to certain stimuli, such as hot or cold foods and drinks, sweet or acidic foods, and even cold air.

What are the common causes of teeth hypersensitivity?

Teeth hypersensitivity can be caused by various factors. Some common causes include enamel erosion, gum recession, tooth decay, cracked teeth, gum diseases, excessive teeth grinding, and improper oral hygiene practices.

How can dental disorders contribute to teeth hypersensitivity?

Dental disorders such as tooth decay, cracked teeth, and gum diseases can contribute to teeth hypersensitivity by exposing the sensitive nerves inside the teeth to external stimuli. These conditions can weaken the protective layers of the teeth and increase their sensitivity.

What lifestyle factors can worsen teeth hypersensitivity?

Certain lifestyle factors can worsen teeth hypersensitivity. These include excessive teeth grinding, consumption of acidic food and drinks, smoking, and improper oral hygiene practices such as aggressive brushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush.

What are some treatment options for teeth hypersensitivity?

There are several treatment options available for teeth hypersensitivity. These include using desensitizing toothpaste, using a soft-bristled toothbrush, avoiding acidic foods and drinks, practicing proper oral hygiene, and seeking dental procedures such as sealants or bonding.

How can teeth hypersensitivity be prevented?

Preventing teeth hypersensitivity involves maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, using fluoride toothpaste, avoiding acidic foods and drinks, wearing a mouthguard to protect against teeth grinding, and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Why is professional dental care important for teeth hypersensitivity?

Seeking professional dental care is important for teeth hypersensitivity because dentists can assess the underlying causes of sensitivity, provide appropriate treatments, and recommend preventive measures. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help maintain overall oral health and reduce the risk of developing or worsening teeth hypersensitivity.

Are there any natural remedies for teeth hypersensitivity?

Yes, there are some natural remedies that may help alleviate teeth hypersensitivity. These include using herbal mouth rinses, applying aloe vera gel to the sensitive areas, trying oil pulling with coconut oil, and making dietary changes to include foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

What is the importance of understanding and addressing teeth hypersensitivity?

Understanding and addressing teeth hypersensitivity is crucial for maintaining overall oral health. Ignoring sensitivity can lead to further dental problems and discomfort. By identifying the causes and implementing appropriate treatments and preventive measures, individuals can alleviate sensitivity and enjoy a healthier smile.
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